There are three common reset methods:
Manual reduction: in the early stage of jaw fracture, the fracture segment is relatively active, and the displaced fracture segment can be restored to its normal position by hand.
Traction reduction: after jaw fracture, after a long time (more than three weeks of maxilla and more than four weeks of mandible), some fibrous tissues at the fracture site have healed, and manual reduction is unsuccessful, so traction reduction can be used.
Open reduction: Open reduction has a wide range of indications. When the fracture segment has been displaced for a long time, there is fiber healing or bone dislocation healing, and neither manipulation nor traction can reduce it, surgical open reduction should be performed. Fibrous tissue formed in the healing of dislocation between fracture ends is removed or callus is chiseled off, and the jaw is cut off again to restore its normal position.
Don't panic if there is an accident and the mandible is broken. According to the above method, reset first and then repair. If the situation is critical and you can't operate, please see a doctor in time!