Common ear plastic surgery, ear reconstruction, ear puncture surgery, ear removal, preauricular fistula resection, earlobe correction surgery, earlobe adhesion surgery, ear flap surgery correction, oversized ear, orthopedic and defect repair surgery.
Ears that protrude too much are called "wind catchers". Plastic surgery is a lug near the head. Children under 4 ears are close to adults, and most of them are between 4- 14 years old. The earlier the operation, the greater the ridicule and psychological harm to the child, but don't force the child to have an operation unless the child asks to change the shape of the ear. Surgical correction of adult ear flap.
Microauricular malformation generally refers to congenital auricle dysplasia, often accompanied by atresia of external auditory canal, and some patients have maxillofacial malformation. The outer ear and middle ear are deformed, but the development of the inner ear is basically normal, only the auditory part slightly affects the air conduction, and the bone conduction auditory part is completely normal. There are also some microtia caused by trauma or burn, and microtia needs ear reconstruction surgery.