What methods are there for facial wrinkle removal? As follows:
1. Frontotemporal rhytidectomy: It is suitable for forehead striation, brow vertical striation, crow's feet striation, nasal dorsal striation, eyebrow drooping and upper eyelid skin drooping.
2, temporal rhytidectomy: suitable for crow's feet, drooping eyebrows, drooping outer corners of the eyes.
3. Subfacial 2/3 rhytidectomy: suitable for sagging cheeks, deep nasolabial groove, crow's feet, drooping eyebrows and drooping outer corners of eyes.
4. Total rhytidectomy: it is suitable for the whole face with loose skin and obvious wrinkles.
5. Endoscopic rhytidectomy
6. Small incision rhytidectomy
7. Laser rhytidectomy
8, collagen or expanded PTFE filling wrinkle.