The chemical contained in it is ammonium hydroxide, which can dissolve the soap components hanging on wool and shrink the sweater. Dilute ammonia water into warm water, put the sweater in, soak it for about 10 minute, gently stretch the deformed part outward with both hands at the same time, and then wash it normally. It contains chemical components that will damage wool, so pay attention to dilution and soaking time.
2. Iron
Cut a hard board into the original size and shape of the sweater, put the sweater on the board, gently pull the sweater to its original size, fix it with a clip, iron the neckline, sleeves and body parts of the sweater back and forth with an electric iron, and wait a moment, and the sweater will return to its original size.
3, shampoo
Similar to the principle of ammonia water. Stir the shampoo in warm water until the water is full of foam. Put the shrunk clothes in the mixed solution for 30 minutes, spread them on a towel, wrap them with a towel, remove the moisture, and finally spread them, and the version and style will be restored to their original appearance.
4. Ships
Similar to an iron, the principle of restoring sweaters by steam heating. Wrap the sweater in a clean towel and put it on a clean pot, so that it can withstand the evaporation of water vapor in the pot. After a few minutes, take off your clothes, pull the sweater back to its original size, and dry it to recover.
5. Send it to the dry cleaner.
Similar to the iron and steamer, the sweater is sent to the dry cleaner for dry cleaning by using the principle of high-temperature steam, and the dry cleaner will help us deal with the deformed sweater and make the clothes look the same.