Boxwood in Phnom Penh
The leaves with golden edges belong to its advantages, which make people rush to buy them, but the aesthetic feeling is on the one hand, and its price should be considered. After all, the price depends on many factors. There will be a big gap in the price of this boxwood, which may be unacceptable to many people, but it does have this price.
Boxwood in Phnom Penh
The price of boxwood in Phnom Penh depends largely on its specifications, but there are also other factors. Because the transportation form and distance are changing, it is not a fixed demand place, so we should master it flexibly. The price of boxwood in Phnom Penh varies from merchant to merchant, but there will be no big difference. After all, the price of some boxwood in Phnom Penh may have some reasons such as modeling or good quality, and it is still within the price range in general.
Boxwood in Phnom Penh
The growth height and crown width of Euonymus japonicus in Phnom Penh are about 100cm, and its price is about 120 yuan. If you want a Buxus macrophylla with a larger Phnom Penh, its plant height and crown width are about 150cm, and the price is around 400 yuan, you can contact the merchant for the specific price.
Boxwood in Phnom Penh