1. The retirement age of male flexible employees is 60 years old.
2. The retirement age of female flexible employees can be divided into several situations. Female insured persons who have been engaged in flexible employment for more than 2 years and paid a total of 10 years (including deemed payment period) in the former public enterprises and institutions may choose to retire between 50 and 55 years old. Female flexible employees, who have paid for insurance in enterprises for 10 years, have a retirement age of 50 years. Flexible employment refers to a way of employment that is different from the traditional mainstream in working hours, income and remuneration, workplace, insurance and welfare, labor relations and so on. Flexible employees refer to those who achieve employment or re-employment in flexible and diverse forms such as part-time, temporary, seasonal and flexible work within the working age range (men are 65 years old and women are under 55 years old), including: self-employed employment, including self-employed and partnership; Self-employed, such as freelancers, lawyers, freelance writers, singers, models, intermediary service workers, etc. Temporary workers, such as domestic hourly workers, street vendors and other odd jobs.
1. In the game, we can find a good position to squat down. It is best to have a bunker next to it, so that you can directly control yo