First, the incidence of oral ulcer is 98%, which is a necessary condition for diagnosis. It occurs in the mouth, tongue, gums, isthmus mucosa, etc. And it will be a single or multiple clear-cut and conscious pain. Generally, it is self-limited, and it heals itself in one to two weeks.
Second, the incidence of genital ulcers is 80%, mainly occurring around the anus and perineum of external genitalia.
Third, the incidence of skin damage is 60% to 80%, and the main types of rash are erythema nodosum and folliculitis-like reaction.
Fourth, the incidence of eye damage is about 50%, mainly manifested as uveitis and decreased vision.
Five, other system performance about 40% with joint swelling and pain, digestive tract mucosa, nervous system, heart, lung and other parts of the accumulation.