Which maternity hospital in Fuzhou ranks well? The best maternity hospital in Fuzhou?
There are more than 2,000 gynecological operations in Fuxing every year, 90% of which are performed under endoscope. Laparoscopic surgery for cervical cancer, endometrial cancer and ovarian cancer, diagnosis, evaluation, operation and rehabilitation of pelvic floor dysfunction diseases such as urinary incontinence and uterine prolapse, as well as correction of reproductive tract malformation, vaginoplasty and hysterectomy. The second child fertility clinic, infertility treatment, post-abortion nursing clinic, prenatal and postnatal care and scientific contraceptive guidance have been set up. For the elderly who are hard to find children, such as scar uterus, intrauterine adhesions and tubal obstruction, hysteroscopy, excision and repair of uterine scar diverticulum, separation of intrauterine adhesions, plastic surgery and replantation of fallopian tube anastomosis are carried out, in cooperation with outpatient reproductive endocrinology department and infertility clinic, so that women can realize their dreams of giving birth and giving birth again.