Trigeminal nerve is a kind of mixed nerve, which consists of ophthalmic nerve, maxillary nerve and mandibular nerve. Trigeminal neuralgia can be caused by cold stimulation, various diseases and trigeminal nerve injury. Any abnormality of one of the trigeminal nerves will involve the other two nerves and cause paroxysmal facial pain, just like acupuncture, knife cutting or electric shock. Patients suffer greatly from it, and massage and acupoints have better effects.
Head massage
Effective acupoints: Renzhong, Fengchi, Shimonoseki, Buccal Vehicle, Shenting, Cang Di, Sibai, Zygomatic Jaw, Baihui, Daying, Taiyang, Jiaocheng, Tang Yin, and auricular points such as maxilla, cheek, mandible and occipital.
massage manipulation
(1) Massage Sibai, Zygomatic Jaw, Cang Di, Daying, Shimonoseki, Baihui, Jiaocheng and Buche 50 ~ 100 times each, and the intensity should be appropriate, with the degree of pain. (2) Push Tang Yin Shenting point for 30-50 times. (3) Push the bamboo pole to the temples on both sides for 30 times. (4) Massage Fengchi point 10 ~ 20 times, preferably with strong local soreness. (5) Massage the temples for 30 times, preferably with local warmth. (6) Push the bridge bow straight, first left and then right, 10 ~ 20 times on each side. (7) Rub or pinch the acupoints such as cheek, maxilla, mandible and middle ear pillow for 2 minutes with the force of forefinger and thumb tip of both hands, with moderate intensity.
Hand massage, effective acupoints: Hegu, Shangyang, Yanggu, Eight Evil, Hukou and other acupoints.
massage manipulation
Press or knead acupoints such as Gu, Eight Evil, Yanggu and Shangyang for 50 ~ 100 times, with moderate intensity, especially for soreness. Effective reflex zones: trigeminal nerve, eye, mouth, ear, kidney, brain, brain stem and other reflex zones.
Massage technique (1) One finger punch, 50 ~ 100 times for each point of trigeminal nerve, eyes, mouth and ears, and the intensity is subject to pain. (2) Massage the brain, brain stem and renal reflex zone for 30-50 times.
Foot massage
Effective acupoints are "valley-sinking, inner court, inter-row and Sanyinjiao".
massage manipulation
(1) Massage Sanyinjiao for 30 ~ 50 times with moderate intensity. (2) Thumb pressing on Zugu, Neiting, Taichong and Intermediate points for 50 ~ 100 times.
Effective reflex zones: trigeminal nerve, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, teeth, kidney, brain, brain stem and other reflex zones.
massage manipulation
(1) One-finger boxing should be performed 50 ~ 100 times at the trigeminal nerve, eyes, nose, mouth, ears and teeth, and the intensity should be based on the pain. (2) Massage the brain, brain stem and kidney for 30-50 times.
Focus on life
(1) Secondary trigeminal neuralgia should be treated after finding out the cause. (2) Patients should be optimistic and avoid mental stress. (3) Do not eat irritating food and seafood, and avoid alcohol and tobacco.