Wang Yong said:' If you look at the right position, it will be dark inside. You accidentally took a few mouthfuls of shit, and I don't know how deep it was. You saved yourself from jumping in, and you didn't consider your own safety. Seeing a child, it is always impossible to raise him with one hand. "Wang Yong described lightly. After Wang Yong came up, he was covered in dung, eyes, nose, ears and cavities.
The child's family expressed deep gratitude and took care of him every day. Wang Yong said: "Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, and others are willing to lay down their lives to save them." Everyone knows that saving people in the water, sometimes desperate to save people, but can not save themselves. Sometimes people arrive, but they don't save themselves. Nowadays, many keyboard players make random comments without knowing what happened.
There are also some people who have wronged others and dare not do good deeds, but still have not affected a lot of positive energy. Veteran Wang Yong is such a person with positive social energy. I wish him a speedy recovery. Wang Yong, a retired soldier from Huludao, Liaoning Province, accompanied his children to attend the college entrance examination in Lianshan District Hospital. Suddenly, I saw an old woman standing by the sewage well, shouting for help. Wang Yong rushed over and saw a 3-year-old child fall into the septic tank and flopped about in the sewage.
At the critical moment, Wang Yong, whose height is1.66m, jumped into the pool. Because the pool was deep and slippery, Wang Yong took two swigs of sewage when he went in. But at this time, he can't bear to suffer. His feet and right hand struggled to lift the wall, and the other hand tried to lift the child. In the end, everyone Qi Xin worked together to save the child and Wang Yong from the well. At this time, Wang Yong's nose and mouth were full of sewage and dirt, and he vomited and trembled. Subsequently, the two were rushed to the hospital for treatment and are now out of danger.