[Clinical manifestations]
The menstrual cycle is normal and the menstrual period is prolonged, reaching about 8 ~ 14 days. People with inflammation usually have abdominal pain, aggravated menstrual period, and usually have a large amount of leucorrhea, which is yellow or yellowish white, sticky and smelly. Luteal atrophy with menorrhagia; Patients with prolonged endometrial repair time still have a small amount of persistent vaginal bleeding after normal menstrual period.
1. has typical symptoms, and the menstrual period is prolonged by about 2 weeks.
2. The basal body temperature of patients with luteal atrophy gradually drops to the level of follicular phase from high temperature to a few days after menstruation; The endometrium taken on the fifth day of menstrual period still has gland secretion, or the residual secretory endometrium coexists with the newly proliferative endometrium; Hormone determination The level of progesterone during menstruation is still high.
3. The basal body temperature and endometrial examination of patients with delayed endometrial repair are normal; Follow-up examination by B-ultrasound showed that the follicles were dysplasia, and compared with the same period, the follicles were smaller. Hormone determination showed that the estrogen level in follicular phase was low.
4. Gynecological examination of patients with endometritis has a large number of purulent or bloody secretions at the cervix, which smells bad; There is pain in the cervix, the uterus is slightly large and soft, and there is tenderness; Endometrial biopsy can confirm the diagnosis.
5. Gynecological examination of pelvic inflammatory disease with thickening and tenderness.
6. Ring shadow can be seen by B-ultrasound or X-ray of IUD users, sometimes in a lower position.