The first step is to remove the breast, uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.
The second step is to close the vagina and prolong the urethra. You can stand and urinate with this step, and put the male genitals under your arms.
Step 3: Expand the male genitalia.
Psychiatrists in Thailand and China have confirmed this.
Use your life experience, at least one year.
Take testosterone for at least one year.
Footstep one
Eliminating 86,000-99,000 breasts includes two days in hospital.
69,000 uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries were removed, including hospitalization for 4 days.
Laparoscopic120,000 includes two days in hospital.
Footstep two
Close vagina and prolong urethra 1 10000, including hospitalization for 6 days.
Testicular capsulotomy 140000 including hospitalization for 7 days.
66,000 men's genitals are under their arms, including a day in the hospital.
Footstep three
Penile plasty
250,000 yuan includes hospitalization 14 days.
This is Thai baht.
If I want a man to become a woman, I need to prepare.