1. plasticity judgment
-(BOOL)isPureInt:(ns string *)string {
ns scanner * scan =[ns scanner scannerWithString:string];
int val
return[scan scan int:& amp; val]& amp; & amp[ scan isattend];
2. Floating-point shape judgment:
-(BOOL)isPureFloat:(ns string *)string {
ns scanner * scan =[ns scanner scannerWithString:string];
Floating value;
Return to [scan scan float:&; val]& amp; & amp[ scan isattend];
The second method is to use circular judgment.
-(bool) ispurenumandcharacters: (nsstring *) text
for(int I = 0; I < [text length]; ++i) {
int a =[text character ating index:I];
if ([self isNum:a]){
} Otherwise {
Return no;
Return YES
It is also a common way of C language.
-(BOOL)isAllNum:(ns string *)string {
unichar c;
for(int I = 0; I< string. Length; i++) {
C =[ string character index: I];
If (! isdigit(c)) {
Return no;
Return YES
The third method is to use trimming method of NSString.
-(bool) ispurenumandcharacters: (nsstring *) string
string =[string stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet; [NSCharacterSet decimalDigitCharacterSet]];
if(string . length & gt; 0)
Return no;
Return YES
The above three functions can help to judge whether it is a number. There is no direct method to judge whether it is a number in iOS, so you can only add your own method to realize it.