First, from the aspect of dressing, clothes can directly affect a person's external image, because clothes can decorate themselves. Good clothes can give you extra points, but they will reduce points, so the color and style of clothes are very important. When choosing, it is recommended to choose clothes that suit you.
Second, walking posture, walking posture is very important, some girls are very beautiful, but walking hunchbacked, walking fast, striding meteors will definitely reduce the image, so walking posture is very important.
Third, obesity, it is not unreasonable to say that one obesity destroys everything, so girls must pay attention to keeping fit, self-discipline and weight control. Imagine how a woman with a big face can have a good image.
Fourth, the way of speaking, some girls are very beautiful, and when they speak, they reveal her quality. The address is unknown, so we should pay attention to reading more and be a meaningful person.
In short, if you want to improve your image, you can start from the outside and the inside. Exterior is the ornament of clothing, and interior is its own connotation and cultivation.