That is m=An/An- 1.
M- tensile coefficient
An-cross-sectional area after stretching (mm? )
An-1-cross-sectional area before drawing (mm? )
For cylindrical parts, the tensile coefficient should be:
m = An/An- 1 =(πDNT)/(πdn- 1t)= dn/dn- 1
Where m is the tensile coefficient of cylindrical parts.
Dn- diameter after drawing (mm? )
Dn- 1—— Diameter before drawing (mm? )
T- material thickness
The drawing coefficient of cylindrical parts is the ratio of the diameter of cylindrical parts after each drawing to the diameter of blank (or semi-finished product) before drawing. Namely:
The first drawing m0=d 1/D0
Subsequent deep drawing m2=d2/d 1, m3=d3/d2, ..., mn=dn/dn- 1.
Where m 1, m2, m3.....m0 is the tensile coefficient for each time.
D0- blank diameter (mm? )
D 1, d2, d3, ... d0 —— the diameter of each semi-finished product or workpiece (mm? )