Decimal radix 10 is equivalent to "%d"
Hexadecimal radix 16 is equivalent to "%X"
Decimal base 8 is equivalent to "%o"
Setfill(c) sets the fill character to c.
Setprecision(n) sets the display decimal precision to n digits.
The field width of Setw(n) is n characters.
Setiolags (IOs:: fixed: fixed) fixed floating-point display.
Setiolags (IOS:: Scientific) index representation
Setiosflags(ios::left) left alignment
Setiosflags(ios::right) right alignment
Setiosflags(ios::skipws ignores leading spaces.
Setiosflags (IOS:: uppercase) 16 hexadecimal number uppercase output.
Setiosflags (IOs:: lowercase) 16 hexadecimal lowercase output.
Setiosflags(ios::showpoint) forces the decimal point to be displayed.
Setiosflags(ios::showpos) forces the display of symbols.
Here is an example.
# include & ltiostream.h & gt
# include & ltiomanip & gt
#pragma argsused
int main(int argc,char* argv[])
int num 1;
Unsigned integer num2
num 1 = 28;
num 2 = 4345 1;
cout & lt& ltsetw(5)& lt; & ltnum 1 & lt; & ltendl//setw(5) Set the domain width to 5 characters.
cout & lt& ltsetw(5)& lt; & ltnum2 & lt& ltendl//setw(5) Set the field width to 5 characters.
cout & lt& ltsetw(5)& lt; & ltset fill(' # ')& lt; & ltnum 1 & lt; The & ltendl// field is 5 characters wide, which is not enough to be filled with "#".
cout & lt& ltsetw(5)& lt; The & ltnum2 & lt& ltendl// field has a width of 5 characters.
Returns 0;
4345 1
4345 1