2, often pat the face of the stomach meridian: the relaxed face is usually insufficient in blood and the stomach meridian is unobstructed, so the face is full of blood and the face is like a flower. If it is full of water and nutrition, it will naturally be full. Without water and nutrition, it will wither and pull. When flapping, you can put the whole palm surface on your cheek, and you can't pull the skin to avoid wrinkles.
Matters needing attention in facial massage
Facial massage requires accurate parts, flexible movements, a sense of rhythm, light, rigid, soft, fast and orderly.
Facial skin is closely related to muscles, so massage should be carried out along the texture and growth direction of muscles, and random pressing is not allowed, otherwise it will promote skin aging.
The best time for facial massage is before going to bed every night. After massage, let the skin have enough rest time. If you exfoliate before massage, apply a mask after massage to enhance skin absorption. Facial care will be more effective.
Refer to the above? People's network-facial muscle relaxation will make people look old. How to blink to prevent aging?