In ancient Europe, nursing staff in military camps were all women. No matter where you March, there will be women with the army, and sometimes these women can account for half of the army. At that time, wars in Europe were very common, so there were many mercenaries. These mercenaries carry a large number of women everywhere. When there is war, there will be wounded, and when there is injury, there will be people who need care and comfort, so these mercenaries will bring a large number of women to serve the soldiers.
In the military camp, women who join the army have a very important purpose. Besides doing housework, they can also provide nursing services for the injured. Besides breast-feeding them, she also works as a prostitute. Although it is hard for these women to join the army, there are still many women who are willing to do it. They can rob property with the army, so that their dream of getting rich can come true. These women will serve the local people everywhere, so they contracted a fatal disease-syphilis in Spain.
Subsequently, they took the virus from one country to another and spread it throughout Europe. Later, it spread to Asia, when even our country was infected. Syphilis is a terrible disease when there are no powerful anti-inflammatory drugs. Later, with the development of the army, these women who were embedded in the army slowly disappeared, and military prostitutes became garbage in history. Later, except for Japan, almost no country took these sad women in.