/* * * * * * IP city award file * * * */
$ action = $ _ GET[' action '];
if($ _ SERVER[" HTTP _ X _ FORWARDED _ FOR "]){
$ IP = $ _ SERVER[" HTTP _ X _ FORWARDED _ FOR "]; }
else if($ _ SERVER[" HTTP _ CLIENT _ IP "]){
$ IP = $ _ SERVER[" HTTP _ CLIENT _ IP "]; }
else if($ _ SERVER[" REMOTE _ ADDR "]){
$ip = $_SERVER[ "remote addr"]; }
else if(getenv(" HTTP _ X _ FORWARDED _ FOR "){
$ IP = getenv(" HTTP _ X _ FORWARDED _ FOR "); }
else if(getenv(" HTTP _ CLIENT _ IP "){
$ IP = getenv(" HTTP _ CLIENT _ IP "); }
else if(getenv(" REMOTE _ ADDR "){
$ip = getenv ("remote _ addr"); }
Otherwise {
$ip = "unknown"; }
$ dat _ path = ' qqwry.dat
//Judge whether the IP address is valid.
If (! ereg("^([0-9]{ 1,3}.){3}[0-9]{ 1,3}$ ",$ip)){
"Invalid IP address" is returned;
//Open the IP database
If (! $fd = @fopen($dat_path,' Rb '){
Return "IP data file does not exist or access is denied";
//explode function decomposes IP address, and gets integer result by operation.
$ip = explode(' . ',$ IP);
$ IP num = $ IP[0]* 167772 16+$ IP[ 1]* 65536+$ IP[2]* 256+$ IP[3];
//Get the starting and ending positions of the IP address index.
$DataBegin = fread($fd,4);
$DataEnd = fread($fd,4);
$ipbegin = implosion ('',unpack('L', $ data begin)););
if($ IP begin & lt; 0) $ipbegin += pow(2,32);
$ipend = implosion ('',unpacking ('l', $ DataEnd)););
if($ ipend & lt; 0) $ipend += pow(2,32);
$ ipAllNum =($ ipend-$ IP begin)/7+ 1;
$ begin num = 0;
$ EndNum = $ ipAllNum
//Find the matching IP address record from the index record by method of bisection method.
And ($ IP1num > $ ipNum | | $ ip2num & lt$ipNum) {
$ Middle = intval(($ EndNum+$ begin num)/2);
//Offset the pointer to the index position to read 4 bytes.
fseek($fd,$ IP begin+7 * $ Middle);
$ipData 1 = fread($fd,4);
if(strlen($ IP data 1)& lt; 4) {
fclose($ FD);
Return "File Error";
//Convert the extracted data into growth shaping. If the data is negative, add 2 to the 32nd power.
$ip 1num = implosion ('',unpacking ('l', $ IP data1));
if($ ip 1 num & lt; 0) $ip 1num += pow(2,32);
//If the extracted long integer is greater than our IP address, modify the end position of the next cycle.
if($ ip 1 num & gt; $ipNum) {
$ EndNum = $ Middle
//After selecting the previous index, go to the next index.
$DataSeek = fread($fd,3);
if(strlen($ DataSeek)& lt; 3) {
fclose($ FD);
Return "File Error";
$DataSeek = implosion ('',unpack('L', $ dataseek.chr (0)));
fseek($fd,$ DataSeek);
$ipData2 = fread($fd,4);
if(strlen($ IP data 2)& lt; 4) {
fclose($ FD);
Return "File Error";
$ip2num = implosion ('',unpacking ('l', $ ipdata2));
if($IP 2 num & lt; 0) $ip2num += pow(2,32);
//The city corresponding to the IP address cannot be found.
if($IP 2 num & lt; $ipNum) {
if($Middle == $BeginNum) {
fclose($ FD);
Return "No Data";
$ BeginNum = $ Middle
$ipFlag = fread($fd, 1);
if($ipFlag == chr( 1)) {
$ipSeek = fread($fd,3);
if(strlen($ ipSeek)& lt; 3) {
fclose($ FD);
Return "System Error";
$ipSeek = implosion ('',unpack('L', $ ipseek.chr (0)));
fseek($fd,$ ipSeek);
$ipFlag = fread($fd, 1);
if($ipFlag == chr(2)) {
$AddrSeek = fread($fd,3);
if(strlen($ AddrSeek)& lt; 3) {
fclose($ FD);
Return "System Error";
$ipFlag = fread($fd, 1);
if($ipFlag == chr(2)) {
$AddrSeek2 = fread($fd,3);
if(strlen($ addrseek 2)& lt; 3) {
fclose($ FD);
Return "System Error";
$AddrSeek2 = implosion ('',unpack('L', $ addrseek2.chr (0)));
fseek($fd,$ addrseek 2);
} Otherwise {
fseek($fd,- 1,SEEK _ CUR);
while(($char = fread($fd, 1))! = chr(0))
$ipAddr2。 = $ char
$AddrSeek = implosion ('',unpack('L', $ addrseek.chr (0)));
fseek($fd,$ AddrSeek);
while(($char = fread($fd, 1))! = chr(0))
$ipAddr 1。 = $ char
} Otherwise {
fseek($fd,- 1,SEEK _ CUR);
while(($char = fread($fd, 1))! = chr(0))
$ipAddr 1。 = $ char
$ipFlag = fread($fd, 1);
if($ipFlag == chr(2)) {
$AddrSeek2 = fread($fd,3);
if(strlen($ addrseek 2)& lt; 3) {
fclose($ FD);
Return "System Error";
$AddrSeek2 = implosion ('',unpack('L', $ addrseek2.chr (0)));
fseek($fd,$ addrseek 2);
} Otherwise {
fseek($fd,- 1,SEEK _ CUR);
while(($char = fread($fd, 1))! = chr(0)){
$ipAddr2。 = $ char
fclose($ FD);
//Returns the city result corresponding to the IP address.
if(preg_match('/http/i ',$ipAddr2)) {
$ IP addr 2 =“”;
$ IP addr = " $ IP addr 1 $ IP addr 2 ";
$ipaddr = preg_replace('/CZ88。 Net/is ','',$ IP addr);
$ipaddr = preg_replace('/^s*/is',“,$ IP addr);
$ipaddr = preg_replace('/s*$/is ','',$ IP addr);
if(preg_match('/http/i ',$ipaddr) || $ipaddr == '') {
$ipaddr =' no data';
require _ once(" city add . PHP ");
If (strpos ($ IP addr, $ Hefei))
Echo "var jstext =' $ hefei// Output a JS statement, generate a JS variable, and assign the vertex value to the value of PHP variable $action.
& gt
Let's talk about cityadd.php.
& lt? Server-side programming language (abbreviation of professional hypertext preprocessor)
$ Hefei = "Hefei";
Wuhu = "Wuhu City";
Huainan = "Huainan City";
$ Ma On Shan = "Ma On Shan City";
$ chuzhou = " Chuzhou
$ Huaibei = "Huaibei City";
Tongling = "Tongling City";
$ Anqing = "Anqing City";
Huangshan = "Huangshan City";
Fuyang = "Fuyang City";
$ Bengbu = "Bengbu City";
$suzhou = "Suzhou";
$ luan = " Luan City
$ bozhou = " Bozhou
$ Chizhou = "Chizhou City";
Xuancheng = "Xuancheng";
$qita = "others";
& gt
Go online and get the next qqwry.dat
Put these files in a folder, make a page, put a JS in it, and call the function of the first file.
& lt script & gt document.write (jstext) < /script & gt;