Poppy mosaic disease: Distribution: Distributed in Europe, Turkey, and New Zealand; Kunming discovered this disease from German poppies at the 49th World Horticultural Exposition. This disease occurs sporadically in Yunnan Province.
Symptoms: Affected leaves show obvious symptoms of very fine mosaics and broken flowers.
Pathogen: Plum pox virus (Plum: pox: Potyvirus, PPV). Belongs to the genus Potatovirus Y. Virions are linear, 728~750nm0nm. The lethal temperature is 51~54℃; the dilution endpoint is 10-1~10-4; the in vitro survival period is 1~2d at 21℃. Use chrysanthemum terrestris to distinguish different strains, and according to symptom reactions, they are divided into yellow flower, necrosis and yellow flower necrosis strains.