/* Calculate the product of two integers */
public int mul(int i,int j) {
Return I * j;;
/* Calculate the product of two floating-point numbers */
Public double mul(double x, double y) {
Returns x * y;;
/* Calculate the product of three floating-point numbers */
Public double mul(double x, double y, double z) {
Returns x * y * z;;
Import java.applet.applet;
Import java.awt.graphics;
/* Test and output classes */
Common class test extension applet {
Private strings re 1, re2, re3
public void init() {
Multiplication m = new multiplication ();
Re 1 = (new integer (m.mul (3,4))). toString();
re2 = (new Double(m.mul(3.3,4.3)))。 toString();
re3 = (new Double(m.mul(3.3,4.3,5.3)))。 toString();
Public blank paint (figure g)
G. drawing (re 1,100,80);
G. draw rope (re2, 100,100);
G. drawing tape (re3, 100,120);