The principle of face-lifting needle face-lifting is that a certain dose of botulinum toxin is injected into the motor endplate of masseter muscle to paralyze the motor endplate neurons, weaken the motor function and eventually produce useless atrophy. It takes a certain time for the whole process to react, so the initial effect will generally be achieved 1-2 weeks after injection. After injection, the injection effect reaches the best about 1 month. Generally, after 4-6 months, due to the re-establishment of synaptic connections, the muscle contraction function will be restored, and the masseter muscle may retract a part again to restore its contraction ability. So usually in 4-6 months, the doctor will advise the beauty seeker to have a second injection.
Want to know more about face-lifting needles, recommend consulting Shenzhen Sunshine Medical Beauty Hospital. All medical staff of Shenzhen Sunshine Medical Beauty Hospital must hold relevant certificates; Foreign doctors who come to practice in hospitals must also register for surgery in China; Non-medical personnel shall not be arranged to engage in clinical medical activities, and clinical medical personnel shall not be arranged to engage in medical activities outside their professional scope.