void main(){
int a[3][4],max,maxi=0,maxj=0,I,j;
Printf ("Please enter: \ n");
for(I = 0; I<3; i++)
for(j = 0; j & lt4; j++)
scanf("%d ",& ampa[I][j]);
max = a[0][0];
for(I = 0; I<3; i++)
for(j = 0; j & lt4; j++)
if(max & lt; a[i][j]){
max = a[I][j];
maxi = I; maxj = j;
Printf ("The value of the largest element in this two-dimensional array is %d, in row %d and column %d \ n", max, maxi+ 1, maxj+1);
It's just a modification of the one upstairs. The previous code is flawed. If all the inputs are negative, then your output is wrong.
Yesterday, a sister suddenly asked me if she was born with "bags under her eyes" and whether it would get bigger and bigger in the fu