1. Convert from QString to char *
To realize the conversion from QString to char *, generally follow the following steps:
The first step is to call the toLatin 1 () method of QString on the QString object to get the Latin 1 value of the string.
Note that the prototype of toLatin 1 () is as follows: q bytearray qstring:: tolatin1() const.
It will return a QByteArray.
QString qstr = "convert "
QByteArray ba = qstr . tolatin 1();
Secondly, call the data () method on the QByteArray object obtained in the first step to get a pointer to the data stored in the array.
const char * CSTR = ba . data();
The complete console program is as follows:
int main(int argc,char **argv)
QApplication app(argc,argv);
QString qstr = " convert
QByteArray ba = qstr . tolatin 1();
const char * CSTR = ba . data();
printf("cstr: %s ",CSTR); //output display
Return app.exec ();
Of course, there are other ways. The basic difference is whether to use toLatin 1 () of QString or toStdString method. QString's toLocal8Bit () method, and the subsequent steps remain unchanged. You can experiment by yourself.
2. convert char* into QString.
The most convenient method is to call the constructor of QString with QLatin 1String object as parameter.
const char * cstr
QString qstr = QString(qlatin 1 string(CSTR));