In addition, the most common diseases that cause male penis curvature are hypospadias and penis induration (or chronic cavernous inflammation). Hypospadias is a congenital malformation, and sometimes this congenital developmental abnormality can occur in a family for several generations. In patients with mild hypospadias, the urethra is open to the coronal groove of the penis, and the penis itself is not bent or slightly bent, which is often ignored by parents in childhood, and it does not affect sexual function when it grows up, so it does not need treatment.
The andrology expert of Chaozhou andrology hospital reminded that men should wear loose clothes as much as possible, and tight jeans should not be worn often.
The space is moderate, keep it clean, don't try to be brave, fully communicate with your partner and seek the assistance of a professional doctor. The surgical method of penis bending is actually not difficult. Just take off the foreskin, put it into something that makes the penis erect or inject enough salt water to observe the erection and bending of the penis, then fold up the excess white membrane of the sponge, and gradually correct the bending angle of the penis by using the tension caused by the unabsorbed suture. In this way, it was folded several times in a row.