settings = {rows:,cols: parseInt(match[3]),
hole: parseInt(match[5]) || null,
Shuffle: Match [8]&; & match [8]. indexOf('S ')! = - 1,
Number: Match [8]? Match [8]. indexOf('N') == - 1 : true,
match[ 1]& amp; & match [1]. Substring (1)
It depends on whose picture properties you want to modify. It's as simple as clicking the button yourself. Just add a js to modify img src.
But you click the button to execute jqPuzzle. JqPuzzle needs a DOM object. According to the code, DOM object should be an IMG.
you should
& ltbutton onclick="$('img ')。 jq puzzle()" & gt; b 1 & lt; /button & gt;
If you want to change the image path. Then you need to modify the settings and implementation in jqPuzzle.
Such as setting:
settings = {rows:,cols: parseInt(match[3]),
hole: parseInt(match[5]) || null,
Shuffle: Match [8]&; & match [8]. indexOf('S ')! = - 1,
Number: Match [8]? Match [8]. indexOf('N') == - 1 : true,
match[ 1]& amp; & match [1]. Substring (1),
if (settings.img! ='') {
$ (this). Attr("src ",setting ['img'])