1, Stanford University
The disciplines of Stanford University are in a leading position in the world, especially in the fields of statistics and operational research, electrical engineering, computer science, medicine, business, social science and so on.
2. new york University
New york University has world-class academic resources in philosophy, mathematics, medicine, accounting and finance, law, performing arts, computer science and other disciplines, and the graduate school enjoys a high reputation.
3. University of Pennsylvania
Medical researchers at the University of Pennsylvania were the first X-ray makers. Their breakthrough in physiology made it possible to explore the deep-sea continental shelf. Pneumonia vaccine and fracture electrotherapy technology were discovered and developed. The University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine established the first department of dermatology, neurology and surgery in the United States.
4. University of Washington
Washington University is a world leader in medicine, life science, computer science, physics, mathematics, statistics, education, public relations, social work and marine science. It has world-class medical schools, business schools, law schools, engineering schools, education schools, fine arts schools, music schools, information science schools and marine science schools.