Public class Demo _ 1 {undefined.
Public static void main (string parameter) {undefined
Scanner sc = new scanner (system input)
System.out.print ("Please enter the number to be judged (five digits):")
int num = sc.nextInt()
//Truncate the last digit
int a = num % 10
//Intercept the first number
int b = num / 10000
//Intercept the fourth digit
int c = num % 100 / 10
//Intercept the second digit
int d = num / 1000 % 10
System.out.println(a +","+ b +","+ c +","+ d)
Boolean type b 1 = (a == b)
Boolean b2 = (c == d)
if(b 1 & amp; & B2) {Not defined
System.out.println(num+ "is palindrome")
} else {undefined
System.out.println(num+ "non-palindrome")
1. Assign directly to integer variables.
Int i = 3.5 or i = (int) 3.5.
This method uses rounded decimal parts.
2, integer division operator "/"rounding
/'itself has an integer function (int/int), but the integer division result of negative numbers is related to the C compiler used.