Private int[] data;
Quick sort (int [] data) ( = data
Public void quick sort () {
recQuickSort(data,0,data . length- 1);
Private void recQuickSort(int[] data, int low, int high) {
//Set two sliders
int low cursor = low+ 1;
Int highCursor = high;
//Temporary variables during exchange
int temp = 0;
//Compare the perspective values and set them as the first value of the array.
int medi = data[low];
while (true) {
//Search from the low end and determine the position of data[low] that is greater than the number.
while(low cursor & lt; High & & data [low cursor] < medi) {
low cursor++;
//Search from the high end and determine the position [low end] smaller than the data. Use > = to judge that it is less than this value.
while(high cursor & gt; Low & amp& ampdata[high cursor]& gt;; = medi) {
high cursor-;
//The positions of the two cursors are out of bounds and exit the loop.
if(low cursor & gt; = highCursor) {
//Exchange position data of data [highCursor] and data [lowCursor].
temp = data[high cursor];
data[high cursor]= data[low cursor];
data[low cursor]= temp;
//according to the while loop exit condition: lowCursor > highCursor.
//The current lowCursor points to the first position on the right that is greater than data[low];
//and the highCursor points to the first position on the left that is less than data[low], so you need to exchange data[low] and.
//Value of data [high cursor]
Data [low] = data [high cursor];
data[high cursor]= medi;
//Recursively operate the left half.
If (low & lthighCursor) {
RecQuickSort (data, low cursor, high cursor);
//Recursively operate the right half.
if(low cursor & lt; High) {
RecQuickSort (data, low cursor, high);
//Print array
Public void display () {
for(int I = 0; I < data length; i++) {
system . out . print(data[I]+" ");
system . out . println();
//Generate an array containing large and small random numbers.
public static int[]get data(int size){
int data[]= new int[size];
for(int I = 0; I < data length; i++) {
data[I]=(int)( 1+math . random()* 54); //Generate a random number 1-54, where Math.random () is the number that generates 0- 1
Return data;
Public static void main(String[] args) {
int data[]= get data( 10);
QuickSort sort = new QuickSort (data);
sort . quick sort();