Field length belongs to computer terminology! The length of a field consists of letters, symbols and numbers.
Chinese name
Segment length
Foreign name
Length of field
Letters, symbols and numbers
Computer Terms
Valid character packet
Field length belongs to computer terminology! The length of a field consists of letters, symbols and numbers. For example, valid character data include "928", "Johnson" and "(0 *&; (%b 99 Nhjjj. At Microsoft? SQLServer? In 2000,
Using character data of characters,
Varchar and text data type storage. When the length of each item in a column is several characters, but the length of any item cannot exceed 8KB, you can use the Varchar type. When the items in the column have the same fixed length, the char type (up to 8KB) is used.
Columns of text data type can be used to store ASCII characters larger than 8KB. For example, because HTML documents are composed of ASCII.