1. Pedicle initially dark brown, dull, ill health at the junction of obvious disease soon became dark brown to black Department of brown rot of the pulp liquefaction, skin cracking , a juice outflow.
2. In the early stages to generate dark brown at the stem end spots were changed to dark brown, pulp liquefaction, flow juice, sour taste.
3 . Pedicle in the early stages, was dark yellow, Shuizi Zhuang, Department of skin disease shrinkage, no juice drain, later turned into light brown disease to the Department of brown.
Major damage mango fruit rot, storage and transportation of disease.
Diseases of the original:
Mango black rot pathogen was ball two sp (Botryodiplodia theobromae Pat,, different name Diplodia natalensis Evans), a semi-known fungus door. Immature conidia colorless, single cells, wall thickness, oval; mature conidia brown for the rugby, twin, surface with vertical lines.
Diseases of the original:
Brown rot of mango for the mango pathogen Phomopsis (Phomopsis mangiferae Ahmad), is a semi-known fungus door, A-type conidia most oval, transparent, single cell; sometimes appear in the medium hook filamentous B-type conidia.
City rot pathogen pathways from flowering invasion, hidden inside the young fruit, the fruit ripening stage presenting symptoms. In addition, the bacteria can result from mining and rhizoma wounds when invaded, and it is more important pathogenic pathways.
Fruit rot occurred in the main mode of transmission is the spread of spores by rain and airflow. In the post-harvest transport period, mainly through disease and healthy fruit fruit contact with each other, spread by the mycelium.
Purple Mount, cinnamon fern, string Mountain, west of Guangdong on the 1st, autumn Mountain and other species more susceptible.
Control methods:
1. Adopt comprehensive measures to prevent diseases before planting:
(1) high yield of high quality planting more resistant varieties.
(2) proper dense
(3) pruning
(4) clear health park
(5) in the preharvest and postharvest fruit storage and transportation process to minimize the damage.
< p> (6) Chemical control2. Postharvest treatment measures, including
(1) cut fruit
(2) washing fruits
< p> (3) election results(4) treated with preservatives
(5), grading and packaging