Accept; Accept. Accept, agree, assume (responsibility, etc.). )
An accident; An accident.
4 across ad. Crossing; Preposition cross, cross
Activity [5] activity
6 adults a. mature; adult
Seven years ago
8 aha int。 aha
Forward, in front, in front. ...
10 air n. air, melody; Dry ventilation
+0 1 aircraft
12 is about a.d. Almost, almost.
Along ad 13. Forward; Prepositions along; Follow; Lean against ...
14 answer n. answer, answer; Answer, accord with
Any int. Anything.
You're always welcome. Any time is fine, depending on when it is convenient for you.
An apartment.
18 Apple
19 April n day
Area, area, aspect
Around 2 1 a.d. Around, everywhere, around; Prepositions everywhere ...
Arrive at v at 22.
23 Art A. Art (product), art (product); art
At noon on the 24th
At the end of … ...
No.26 on third street is on third street.
Attention [password] Attention!
August 28th. A. Majestic and majestic
29 Northern Australia
No.30 North Avenue
3 1 knapsack n.
32 ballet
Bank, bank.
34 basketball
35 bath (British city), bath, bathtub; Take a bath, here ...
36 bathroom
37 is preparing. Yes, there is, at
Born in
out of the ordinary
40 good.
4 1 exquisite ad. with flying colors
42 because of conj. because
43 bedrooms; bedroom; sexy
Before a., before ... advertising. Before; Preposition & ampConj. earlier times ...
45 behind ad. In the back; The preposition comes after ... ...
Believe, believe
Bench [bench]
besides ...
49 bet n. bet; Fifth, bet; Vbl。 wager
50 is better. A. Better, better; Much better.
5 1 between ad. In the middle; The preposition is between ... ...
52 bicycles; Ride a bike
54 bird
55th birthday
56 blind a. blind; Shutter; lose one's eyesight
Blow, blow, hit; Blow, wind blows
Blow out blow out
59 blue A. blue, depressing melancholy; Blue answer supplement 60 boats; row
6 1 swing n. interfere with the movement of the mark (swing, polishing)
62 bones n. bones, bones; Bones (fish, etc.)
Bookshelf; bookshelf
64 bookstore
65 boring a. boring; drill
Borrow, borrow, borrow
Rest, rest, rest; Rest, rest, rest.
Breathe [breathe] [breathe]
69 bridge n bridge; Cross, bridge
70 Ming A. Bright sunshine; light
7 1 bright advertisement. Brightly, brightly and vividly
Broom handle (legendary witch flying in the air)
73 rd floor n. floor answer supplement 74 burn n. burn, burn; Burn, burn, burn, burn
75 busy a. busy; Keep busy
By, by, before ...
77 by plane by plane
Bye, int. see you again
Eighty candles.
8 1 candy n.
Capital n. capital, capital, capital letters, assets; A. it's very important in the capital
Be careful, be careful
84 CDs
Celebrate, celebrate
86 cm
In 87 AD, of course. of course
Chair; Chair; Lectures; Be the chairman of (sth)
Check, check, stop; Check, stop, check
90 children.
9 1 Chopsticks [Common Compound] (China) Chopsticks
92 Christian International. Oh, my God; Christianity answers 93 Christianity a. Christianity; Christian
Christmas 94
95 circle n. circumference, social circle, cycle; Round up, round up, round up
96 city
98 clean a. clean; Complete; Clean; Five, clean; Intransitive verbs clean, clean up; sweep ...
99 clear A. clear, clear, clear; Clarify, remove obstacles and clean up
100 clock n.
10 1 close n. End, end; A. shut down, shut down; Close, end, approach
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