Can asiaticoside tablets repair dermis?
Modern asiaticoside tablet ¥35.00 asiaticoside is a pure Chinese medicine extract, which has little toxic and side effects, has a regulating effect on scar connective tissue, acts on fibroblasts, reduces cell degeneration, and plays an important role in promoting healing, regulating healing and controlling healing. Widely used in the treatment of various wounds, burns, acne, scars caused by plastic surgery, keloids, scleroderma and so on. Asiaticoside tablets have the characteristics of unique function, remarkable curative effect, little side effect, convenient administration, high quality and low price. Then, we know that asiaticoside tablets can promote wound healing and can be used to treat trauma, surgical trauma, burns, keloids and scleroderma in clinic. Modern pharmacological research shows that asiaticoside tablets can promote the formation of normal granulation tissue, activate epithelial tissue, enhance the function of reticuloendothelial system, accelerate the healing of wound and ulcer tissue, inhibit the proliferation of fibroblasts and reduce scar formation. Asiaticoside tablets can repair dermis. Asiaticoside tablets can improve the chronic inflammatory reaction of scar tissue, but have little effect on the acute inflammatory process complicated by normal healing wounds, and mainly promote wound healing. The above sources of information were collected by Kang Aiduo Pharmacy. Because different patients have different specific conditions, it is recommended that you consult a professional.