Not all English words ending with ant represent occupations or people.
The meanings of the ant suffix are:
1. Expressive adjective, "..."
exuberant a lush (ex out + uber fruitful; reference : uberty and abundant)?
vibrant a vibrating, lively (vibr vibration; refer to: revibrate and then vibrate)
extravagant a extravagant (extra out +vag go...over the top)
intoxicant a intoxicating (in +toxic poison...alcohol poisoning)
discordant a inconsistent (dis not +cord heart...not one heart)
< p>resistant a Resistance (resist, resistance)repentant a Regret (pent sadness, repent regret)
2. Noun, "...person"
accountant n accountant (ac+count count)
assistant n assistant (assist help)
inhabitant n resident (inhabit residence)
participant n Participant (participate to participate)
aspirant n aspirant (aspire eagerness, determination)
sycophant n flatterer (syco fig+pha show...offer fig...flatter)
miscreant n villain (mis bad + crea believe; reference: credulous gullible)
tyrant n tyrant (from Latin tyrannus tyrant)
3. Noun, " ...agent"
disinfectant n disinfectant (disinfect disinfection)
deodorant n deodorant (de remove +odor smell)
stimulant n stimulant ( stimul=sting thorn)
coagulant n coagulant (co together + agul agglomeration)
retardant n retardant (retard to prevent)
lubricant n lubricant (lubric slip+ant)