The prostate diagnosis and treatment center of Harbin Eurasia andrology hospital is one of the main departments.
sexual dysfunction
Genitourinary tract infection
The reproductive infection diagnosis and treatment center of Harbin Eurasia andrology hospital is one of the key departments of the hospital.
Reproductive medicine plastic surgery
The plastic surgery center of reproductive medicine in Harbin Eurasian andrology hospital is the main business department set up for diseases that need to be repaired or reconstructed, such as genitalia.
Harbin Eurasia andrology hospital infertility treatment center is one of the key departments of the hospital.
Indications: oligospermia, asthenospermia, azoospermia, sexual dysfunction (impotence, premature ejaculation), prostatitis, non-liquefaction of semen, seminal vesiculitis, orchitis, urethritis, epididymitis, epididymal cyst, obstruction of vas deferens, varicocele, non-ejaculation, hydrocele of testis sheath, etc.
Surgical items: testicular biopsy, epididymal puncture, vas deferens exploration, hydrocele excision (overturning), varicocele high ligation, epididymal tuberculosis excision, testicular tumor excision, vas deferens reconstruction, vas deferens intervention, vasectomy, epididymal microsurgical suture and laparoscopic vasectomy.