Pronunciation: [? v? l? d? ]
Express meaning: country, village; In the countryside, in the countryside; Villagers; Residential areas with the characteristics of urban villages; Small cities with limited autonomy; & ltAnz > Advanced suburban shopping center; Community (of animals).
Part of speech: usually used as a noun in a sentence, such as subject or object.
Fixed collocation: global village? Global village; Global village.
example sentence
1, we? Camp? Are you online? A field? Nearby? Village. ?
We camped in the fields near the village.
2. Me? Inertia downward? That? Hill? Where to? That? Village. ?
I rode my bike all the way from the mountain to the village.
3、The? Village? Lies Five? Miles. Due north? York. ?
The village lies five miles due north of York.