VB code
1. numerical function:

abs(num): returns absolute value

sgn(num): num> 1; num= ; num< -1; Judging whether the numerical value is positive or negative

hex(num): Returns a hexadecimal value directly indicating:&; Hxx maximum 8 digits

oct(num): returns an octal value, which directly indicates:&; Maximum 8 digits of Oxx

sqr(num): returns the square root num >;

int(num): integer int(99.8)=99; Int(-99.2)=1

fix(num): integer fix(99.8)=99; Fix(-99.2)=99

round(num,n): round to the decimal place round(3.14159,3)=3.142; round to the nearest integer round(3.25,1)=3.2

log(num): round to the logarithm num & with the base of E.

exp(n): to take the nth power of e, it is usually a trigonometric function with num n

sin (num), which is calculated by radian (angle *Pai)/18= radian con(num); tan(num); Atn(num)

2. String function:

len(str): the length of Chinese characters is also counted as one!

mid(str, start character, [read length]): intercepting the middle substring of the string

left(str,nlen): intercepting the nlen length substring

right(str, Nlen): truncate the nlen length substring

Lcase(str): convert the string to lowercase

Ucase(str): convert the string to uppercase

trim(str): remove the spaces at both ends of the string

Ltrim(str): remove the spaces at the left side of the string

Rtrim(str). : remove the space on the right side of the string

replace(str, search string, substitute string, [starting character, substitution times, comparison method]): replace the string

Note: default value: starting character 1; The number of substitutions is not limited; The comparison method is case-sensitive ()

InStr([ start character, ]str, search string [,comparison method]): to detect whether there is a substring optional parameter, you need to select the return start position

InStrRev(str, search string [,start character] [, Comparison method]): reversely detect whether it contains substring and return to the starting position

space(n): construct a string with n spaces

string(n,str): construct a string consisting of the first characters of n STRs

strverse (str): invert the string

split(str, split string [,number of times] [, Comparison method]): The optional parameter of converting a character string into a character array with the split character string as the split flag needs to be selected at the same time

3. Data type conversion function:

Cint(str): converting a positive number to true-1; False ; Date distance is 1899/12/31 days; Time : am: Afternoon segment 1;

Cstr(str): date output format yyyy/mm/DD; Time output format Am/Pm hh:mm:ss

Clng(str): similar to Cin ()

cbool (num): num is not zero True;; On the contrary, False

Cdate(str): convert date format : # am12: : #; Positive number of days from 1899/12/31; Floating-point date+decimal time

cbyte (num): num <; 255 converted to byte

Csng(str): converted to single-precision value

Cdbl(str): converted to double-precision value

Ccur(str). : Convert to cash format

4. Time function:

date: Take the current date of the system

time: Take the current time of the system

now: Take the current time and date value of the system Datetime type

timer: Take the zero second value of the current time distance, timer, and calculate the time difference

DateAdd (interval unit, interval value, Date): calculate the adjacent date

DateDiff (interval unit, date one, date two): calculate the time difference date two-date one

Datepart (interval unit, Date): interval unit value of calculating date

Dateserial(date): output date value (calculated by sequence)

Timeserial(time): output time value (calculated by sequence)

Datevalue(datetime): fetch the date value

Timevalue(datetime) from the string. : take out the time value

weekday(date) in the string: calculate the day of the week

MonthName(date): output month minute name

year(datetime): interception year

month(datetime): interception month

day(datetime): interception day

hour (. : intercept hour

minute(datetime): intercept minute

second(datetime): intercept second

5. Other functions:

Array(unit, ...): dynamically generate array

Asc(str): output the ASCII code of the first character of the string

chr (. Chr(1)

Filter (array name, key string, [,including] [,comparison method]):

Save the elements containing key strings in the string array into a new array (default). If [including] is false, take the elements that are not included

oin(ArrayName): connect the elements in the array into a string

uboun. Dimension]): get the upper bound of the corresponding dimension of the array

Lbound(ArrayName[, dimension]): get the lower bound of the corresponding dimension of the array generally

Randmize n: start the random number seed

Rnd(n): get the random number, n >; or empty, take the n< random value in the sequence, n <; , the random value is the same, n=, and the number that is the same as the last random value is produced

Take a random positive number C between A and B, and the formula is: C=Int((B-A+1)*Rnd+A) condition (b >; A)

subroutine and user-defined function

substrsubname function strfunname (arg [1], ..)

subroutine body function body

Exit Sub jumps out of Exit Function

end sub strfunname = value returns value

end function

[call] strfunname references subroutine Var=StrFunName(arg[1], ..) references function.