There are two main reasons for drooping eyelids. One is that the eyelids become slack and drooping due to aging or other factors:
The other is pathological ptosis, and the common problem is ptosis caused by poor development of levator palpebrae superioris muscle, which leads to eyelid failure to open naturally.
Blepharoptosis can only be effectively improved by plastic surgery.
If it is a simple eyelid droop, it will be easier to deal with. If the eyelids are slack, it means that the skin edge is increasing. Then we can remove a proper amount of skin tissue by total double eyelid surgery, thus tightening the eyelid skin. If necessary, we can do double eyelids again.
_ Improve the effect
For people who have double eyelids and don't want to improve this shape, they can also have eyebrow lift surgery. After operation, the upper eyelid will be raised, the double eyelids will become obvious again, and the drooping corner of the eye will be improved by removing a proper amount of skin under the eyebrow and then stitching.
If the levator palpebrae superioris muscle is underdeveloped, it should be corrected. If levator palpebrae superioris muscle has residual function, it can be strengthened to correct ptosis. If there is no function, it should be improved by frontalis muscle suspension or CFS.
What is the specific reason for sagging? The treatment plan can only be determined after face-to-face consultation with doctors. If the problem is serious, it is recommended to treat it as soon as possible.