Take the first fight as an example. Hyaluronic acid used is a medium molecule, and the effect is not obvious after 6-8 months (but the absorption is incomplete). Macromolecules (such as Extreme of Joyaden) can last for 8- 12 months. If it is a middle molecule, it is recommended to make a small number of times (otherwise the bridge of the nose will widen), and you can make up the fight after 2-3 months for the first time. If you hit a macromolecule, it is recommended to make it up within 6 months after the first hit, which can last for a long time. However, it also depends on personal physique and nursing situation (including fat and thin, age, etc. ). It is suggested to communicate with the doctor after the face-to-face consultation, and whether it is necessary to make a supplementary call.