Harm of orthodontics
The purpose of orthodontics is to align irregular teeth, minimize the possibility of food remaining between teeth, and achieve the highest efficiency of the relationship between teeth. This is of great benefit to health, reducing the occurrence of dental caries, grinding food more finely and reducing the harm to the stomach. It can be said that orthodontics is beneficial to teeth.

At present, people are experiencing a subtle evolutionary process, that is, the face is shrinking, while the bones are evolving rapidly and the teeth are evolving slowly, resulting in a general situation of crowded teeth. Therefore, tooth extraction correction is an artificial evolution process, so don't worry.

If we really want to find out the harm of orthodontics, it is that in the process of orthodontics, corrective instruments (archwires, brackets, bands, bow springs, aprons and ligatures) will increase the chances of food accumulation. During this period, you must use a special toothbrush or a soft toothbrush for cleaning after each meal. Of course, you can't go too fast. Too fast and too strong force will lead to the rebound of jaw and scar healing, which is not conducive to the chewing strength of teeth in the future and will cause hard bite injury. These are avoidable mistakes. Therefore, it is the key to orthodontic success to do orthodontics with confidence, follow the doctor's advice and follow up on time.