Have any sisters done rhinoplasty in West China Clinical Medical College of Sichuan University?
Rhinoplasty refers to the operation of cushioning the external nose by filling the nose with autologous, foreign tissue or tissue substitutes, thus improving the appearance of the nose. There are two kinds of rhinoplasty incisions: columella incision and intranasal incision, among which the intranasal incision (near columella) is widely used because of its hidden incision and no trace on the outside. In operation, rhinoplasty can be divided into closed operation and open operation. In traditional open surgery, an L-shaped silicone prosthesis is placed in the bridge of the nose and alar. However, due to the limited size, it can not completely fit the nose shape, or because of the long-term friction between the implant and the nose, the tip of the nose in contact with the implant becomes thin or even perforated. & ltbr/>;