# contains "stdio.h"
\ * You don't have to write here, but writing is a good habit and is needed in some compilation environments. *\
int *fun(int *a,int *b,int *c)
\ * Defines a fun function whose return value is an integer pointer * \
{ int * min
\ * Define a pointer variable to an integer * \
min = a;
\ * Assign the address of A in the main function to min*\
if(* min & gt; * b)min = b;
\ * Judge who has the smaller value of A and B, and assign the smaller value to min*\
if(* min & gt; * c)min = c;
\ * Compare the minimum values of A and B with C and assign the smaller value to min*\
Returns the minimum value;
The \ * function returns min, where min stores the address of the minimum value of three variables, which can also be understood as a pointer to the minimum value * \
Master ()
{int a,b,c,* min
\ * Define three integer variables A, B and C and a pointer to an integer * \
Scanf("%d%d%d ",& i, & ampb & amp;; c);
\ * Enter the values of variables A, B and C * \
min = fun(& amp; First, & ampb & amp;; c);
\ * Call the fun function and assign its return value to the pointer variable min*\
printf("min=%d\n ",* min);
\ * Output the value of the storage unit pointed by the pointer variable min * \
# contains "stdio.h"
void fun(int *a,int *b,int *c)
{ int t;
if(* a & gt; *b)
{ t = * a; * a = * b; * b = t; }
if(* a & gt; *c)
{ t = * a; * a = * c; * c = t; }
if(* b & gt; *c)
{ t = * b; * b = * c; * c = t; }
Master ()
{int a,b,c;
Scanf("%d%d%d ",& i, & ampb & amp;; c);
Fun (&one, & ampb & amp;; c);
printf("a=%d,b=%d,c=%d\n ",a,b,c);
# contains "stdio.h"
void fun(int *a,int n,int m)
{int i,j=0,*p,b[50]= { 0 };
for(I = n-m; I & ltn;; i+= 1)
b[j++]= a[I];
for(I = n- 1; I>= m;; i-= 1)
a[I]= a[I-m];
for(I = 0; I & ltm;; i+= 1)
a[I]= b[I];
Master ()
{int i,a[50]={0},*p,m,n;
scanf("%d%d ",& ampm & amp; n);
p = a;
for(I = 0; I & ltn;; i+= 1)
printf("%d ",a[I]);
Your score of 10 is really worth it, and these scores are still 120 of the second-level exam, hehe.