First, resize repeatedly.
Repeated sizing refers to spraying for more than two times and reaching the required dry film thickness through multiple adhesive layers. Then the question is coming. After the first spray, how long will it take for everyone to continue spraying for the second time? Generally, the first layer must completely cure the dry film before coating the second layer. If the first layer is not completely dry, the surface will be sticky, and then wet glue will be sprayed, which will lead to poor leveling of the contact surface, difficult evaporation of the residual solvent inside, and finally the dry film on the surface will wrinkle.
Second, the sizing thickness
It is generally not recommended to apply too thick glue for one-time spray immersion of three-proof paint. This refers to the thickness of the wet film. After the solvent on the surface volatilizes, the colloid will enter the reaction process and begin to thicken and crust. Too thick glue will cause the deep solvent to be unable to volatilize, resulting in a long internal complete curing time, leading to unstable adhesion, and then being disturbed by the external environment. The middle rubber layer is not hard or thick, and the original flat surface layer will be uneven, which is common, such as unstable foundation. If the grip is not firm, the upper layer will move back and forth and left and right under the action of wind and airflow, and the upper layer is also liquid or amorphous colloid, which is more prone to wrinkling.
Third, the viscosity increases.
The viscosity increases. The main reminder here is the process of viscosity thickening of three-proof paint after solvent volatilization. Generally, the common processes for this phenomenon are brushing and soaking, and many users who have just used three-proof paint and electric anti-sticking will not mention this. Schneider will take the initiative to know the user's all-round use of glue, such as technology, equipment, environment, materials, etc., before the user uses the glue. When users use brush coating and immersion sizing, Schneider will provide the data of diluent volatilization at room temperature, and tell users when and how much diluent needs to be replenished, so as to prevent the viscosity from thickening, which leads to the abnormality of the three-proof paint of PCB board, among which surface wrinkling is one of the abnormalities.
Schneider has been focusing on the production and research and development of three-proof paint for more than ten years, visiting thousands of users of three-proof paint and electric anti-adhesive and accumulating a large number of valuable glue application schemes, which can completely meet the needs of all users. Schneider official website has more knowledge about three-proof paint to share, so that everyone can know all aspects of three-proof paint in detail.