2. Click the module in the object bar on the left and observe the window on the right. If there is a module in it, you can double-click to open it. If a new module has not been created, double-click it to open it.
3. Paste the following code to run and observe the instant window.
Private? Sub? aaaa()
Dim? TableName? As? String,? Field name? As? String,? Me? As? integer
TableName? =? “tb 1”? Table name? tb 1
Field name? =? "Numbers"? Field name? figure
Choice? Case? CurrentDb。 TableDefs(TableName)(FieldName)。 type
Case? dbBoolean
Debugging. Print? "Yes/No"
Case? dbByte
Debugging. Print? "Number (bytes)"
Case? dbInteger
Debugging. Print? "Number (integer)"
Case? dbLong
What if? (CurrentDb。 TableDefs(TableName)(FieldName)。 Attribute? And then what? dbAutoIncrField)? =? dbAutoIncrField? then
Debugging. Print? "Automatic numbering (long integer)"
Debugging. Print? "Number (long integer)"
End? if
Case? dbSingle
Debugging. Print? "Digital (single precision)"
Case? dbDouble
Debugging. Print? "Digital (Double Precision)"
Case? dbDecimal
Debugging. Print? "Number (decimal)"
Case? dbCurrency
Debugging. Print? "money"
Case? Database date
Debugging. Print? "Date/Time"
Case? dbText
Debugging. Print? "Text"
Case? Database memorandum
What if? (CurrentDb。 TableDefs(TableName)(FieldName)。 Attribute? And then what? dbHyperlinkField)? =? dbHyperlinkField? then
Debugging. Print? "Hyperlink"
Debugging. Print? "Remarks"
End? if
Case? dbGUID
Debugging. Print? "Automatic numbering (automatic copy ID)"
End? choose
End? submarine