You will see swelling and bruising around your eyes 1 day after operation, and reach the peak in 2-3 days after operation. Cold compress will relieve some swelling and make you feel better. The swelling usually disappears gradually 2-3 weeks after operation.
It is common to have some bleeding in the first few days after the operation. You will feel stuffy nose for a few weeks after operation, and the doctor will ask you not to blow your nose during this time.
Most patients with rhinoplasty can go to the scene the day after operation and resume their studies one week after operation, but it does take 3-4 weeks to fully return to normal.
You should gradually return to normal activities after the operation. Doctors advise not to do strenuous exercise, such as running and swimming, which will raise blood pressure for 2 -3 weeks after operation. Don't hurt or bruise your nose for two months, and don't expose yourself to the sun too much. When washing your face, combing your hair and using cosmetics, you should move gently. You can wear contact lenses after surgery, but it is usually 3-4 weeks after surgery.
The swelling and bruising in the first few days after a brand-new nose operation may make you forget that your nose will look good. In fact, many plastic surgery patients will feel depressed in the first few days after surgery, which is very normal and understandable. Rest can make this unpleasant period of depression pass smoothly. Your nose will look better every day, and your spirit will gradually get better. 1 -2 weeks later, you will feel that you have never had an operation.
However, the healing of surgery is a slow and gradual process. The swelling of the tip of the nose may last for several months. Sometimes it takes a year or more to see the final result. At the same time, you may experience abnormal reactions from your family or friends. They may say that your nose hasn't changed before and after the operation, and some people may even resent you for changing the view of your family or friends. If this happens, you must remember the purpose of your planned operation. If the operation itself has catered to your wishes, then your operation is successful.