The calculation formula of loop inductance is: l = 0.4 * pi * u * n 2 * s/l, where pi=3. 14, u is magnetic permeability, n is winding turns, s is cross-sectional area of magnetic core, and l is effective magnetic circuit length.
The inductance of air-core coil is another calculation formula. For the hollow single-layer coil, l (μ h) = (0.01× d× n× n) ÷ (w ÷ d+0.44).
Hollow multilayer coil: l (μ h) = (0.08× d× d× n× n) ÷ (3× d+9× w+10× h),
Where d is the average diameter (cm) of the coil; W is the width of the coil (cm);
H is the thickness of the coil (cm) and n is the number of turns of the coil.