What is a chicken breast?
what is chicken breast and funnel breast?

Chicken breast is named after the wedge-shaped protrusion on the front wall of the breast, which looks like the sternum of birds. Funnel chest is a kind of concave deformity of the chest front wall, which looks like a funnel. These are two common thoracic malformations. The causes of these two malformations are as follows: < P > 1. Congenital dysplasia In the fetal or infant period, the development of sternum, spine and ribs is unbalanced, resulting in thoracic deformity.

2. Malnutrition Infants and young children can't get enough nutrition after birth, and suffer from some malnourished diseases, such as rickets in children, which can affect the development of sternum and so on for a long time, resulting in thoracic deformity.

3. Diseases secondary to chest cavity. For example, some congenital heart diseases, the enlarged heart compresses the chest wall, forming a chicken breast deformity. Flat chest deformity caused by chronic empyema.

Generally, mild thoracic deformity has little effect on the physiological function of human body, and preventive measures should be taken to prevent its further development. For example, thoracic deformity is more serious, especially funnel chest. The heart and lungs in the chest are compressed to varying degrees, and even the heart is displaced, and the lung ventilation function is also affected. If it develops further, it is easy to have serious diseases such as respiratory tract infection.

The diagnosis of pectus excavatum and chicken breast should be made through chest inspection. In order to determine whether there are indications for surgical treatment, necessary chest X-ray examination and determination of heart and brain function should also be carried out. Cases of pectus excavatum and chicken breast complicated with severe cardiopulmonary dysfunction are rare. Children with minor deformities can be corrected with age and physical development. This condition does not need special treatment, and can be observed after 3-5 years old, and attention should be paid to the prevention and treatment of primary rickets.

For children with severe deformity, especially pectus excavatum complicated with severe cardiopulmonary dysfunction, surgical treatment should be given. This kind of operation should be treated by experienced doctors in specialized hospitals.