System forming
First of all, the method of System.out.println () is to print the bracketed string to the console window and wrap it.

In addition, you need to know that for strings, "+"means concatenating two strings.

There are no A and B enclosed in quotation marks, which are not seemingly simple reference variables, but implicitly converted into strings (that is, calling toString () method):

"a="+a+", b="+b is actually "a = "+a.tostring ()+", b = "+b.tostring ().

So the System.out.println () method here is to print the above string in the console window.

For example:

int a = 1;

Double b =1.5;

System.out.println("a="+a+",b = "+b);

On the console window, it will display:

a= 1,b= 1.5