1, dis- is often added before names, forms and verbs. Such as: discomfort, unloading, disagreement.
2.in-, im-(in- is the main variant before the consonant N, L, M, P and R) is added to adjectives, nouns and adverbs. For example, not expensive.
3.un- added after verbs and nouns to form verbs, which means "reaction".
pay attention to
In English, the prefixes in- and un- usually mean the antonym of "no" or ",so their derivatives generally have negative meanings. However, some derivatives composed of these two prefixes are not negative words, but are synonymous or similar to the root.
Professor Zhou Haizhong, a famous scholar, cited several examples in the article "in-, un- does not necessarily mean" negation ",such as coming/incoming, habitat/habitat, loose/unloose, rip/unrip and so on. Although there are not many such derivatives, it is worth noting, so don't expect words to be meaningful.