The cast of "Lucky Chuck" includes Jessica Alba, Dane Cook, Dan Fogler, Michelle Harrison and others. The film tells the story of Chuck who meets the love of his dreams, Cam. In order not to miss the good match again, he is determined to do everything possible to break the love curse on himself.
Character introduction
Actor Dane Cook
As a well-known dentist, he has a successful career There is no way to make him happy because he has never found true love. Chuck dated a lot of girls, but in the end they always left him and their next boyfriend was their one.
Actor Jessica Alba
Penguin expert, beautiful, sexy and charming, Cam and Chuck met at a party. The two hit it off quite well and soon became good friends. Cam could feel Chuck's affection for her, but what puzzled her was that although Chuck cared about her meticulously, he was reluctant to express his feelings to her.
Actor Dan Fogler
A plastic surgeon, although his appearance is not impressive, his humorous personality still makes him popular. Stu and Chuck have known each other for many years and are best friends. Unlike Chuck who takes every relationship seriously, Stu enjoys playing with the world and is always pursuing his patients.
Actor Michelle Harrison
A senior white-collar worker, passionate, sexy and charming, with many suitors around her. Annie met Chuck through Stu, and was quickly attracted by Chuck's simple personality. When she learned that Chuck already had a sweetheart, she decided to pursue love.